Monday, April 21, 2014

Gothic Lolita Wigs review - Duchess Elodie

Finally! A new review! I decided to do my review on GothicLolitaWigs since I wore my Duchess Elodie wig yesterday for Easter. I've had these wigs for a few months and I absolutely adore them. They're the highest quality wigs that I've acquired since I started collecting wigs. The best part is, they're totally affordable! I've seen some really expensive wigs that I've been eyeing up, but I don't want to drop the money on it, GothicLolitaWigs are super duper cute and I love their prices. I can't wait to order more from their site, with that being said I did just order another wig today from them, and when I get that wig in the mail I will for sure do a review on it! Okay enough rambling, let's get started ^o^

The first wig that i'm going to review is the Duchess Elodie Collection wig~ I chose mine in the burgundy color, cause i'm absolutely in love with the lush color. It goes great with my skin-tone and I think overall it just makes me look more appealing. 

Those are some pictures from their site, now onto my pictures! Each of the wigs, no matter what style you get, have wig clips already inserted into the wigs, so no time consuming sewing is needed which is a nice and useful touch to these wigs. 

After a few wears, and this being my first curly wig, the curls did get a bit tangled and I tried my best to untangle them. With no luck, I decided to go another route with the wig and wash it. After I had washed it and let it air dry all day, and brushed it for a few hours, I got a nice and still wavy looking curled wig. The more I wear it, the more I notice the curls coming back. So even after my noob wig skills this wig is still one of my favorites, despite my problems that I've had with it. Within time i'll learn to tame the curls with future wigs.


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